Nevada Learning Academy
at ccsd
Online Success FAQs

Talk to your Parents

Online learning takes self-discipline and time-management skills on the part of the learner.

Do you have the aptitude for an online learning environment?


Are online courses easier?

Online courses are as rigorous as traditional brick-and-mortar, and should not be viewed as easier or faster. A student can quickly get behind and feel overwhelmed. In fact, the typical bat365 student spends approximately one hour per course each day. While work can be completed in a flexible format, bat365 is not a fully “work at your own pace” school. While there is some flexibility with due dates, assignments have hard due dates to which students must adhere. These are usually at the mid-point and end of the quarter.

Once enrolled, how does my student(s) get started?

2. Choose Log In with Google
3. Your user ID is the first part of your email
4. If you do not know or remember your password please use this link to claim your account or change your password.
5. You will then look for the canvas Icon which is red and white.
6. Please look for your courses on the dashboard.
7. Students must complete module 0 in order to move through the courses.
8. The google meet codes, day and time are listed on each course home page under the green and white getting started.

How do students succeed in an online class?

Success requires self-discipline. Students must complete daily and weekly required coursework. Just like in a brick-and-mortar setting, students need to devote time for their classes and they must be able to learn and master the material presented, participate in class discussions, chats, and other graded activities. The advantage of online classes is that students have the flexibility to work online and from home. Successful students take notes while studying, contact their teacher when questions arise, and plan ahead to ensure enough time to study and complete assignments before or on the deadlines.

What if I cannot access the internet or a computer?

Continuous access to a computer with reliable Internet access at home is essential to being successful with online learning. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to have a backup plan for unexpected loss of internet or computer use. School and public libraries often have open hours for computer use. Please consult the “Support” page at for the technical requirements and information for assistance.

Where can I find the specific requirement for a course?

In Canvas, each course provides a syllabus outlining the course objectives, grading procedures, due dates, and attendance requirements.

What if a student is unable to attend the live session?

If a student cannot attend a live session, their must be an absent note submitted to excuse their absence. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments that were missed. Students can find these assignments in Canvas.

Do students need to be online at the same time as the instructor?

In order to be marked for attendance, students must be online in their virtual meetings with their teachers and class. These virtual meetings take place through Google Meets.

What is the biggest difference between online and a traditional course environment?

In a traditional setting a teacher can determine potential problems with nonverbal ques, such as: confusion, frustration, boredom, and absence. These are not possible to recognize in an online course. Therefore, students must be willing to communicate with the teacher when problems and questions arise. Content related issues need to be directed to the teacher immediately. While technical issues are submitted via our online support system, teachers should also be notified. Lastly, while online courses are completed in the comfort of home, students should be prepared to work with their peers, as well as the teacher, during the live sessions, through email, discussion postings, and chats.

How to contact the teacher?

All contact information is included in the course syllabus, course page and electronic mail sent from the teacher. Students can contact teachers by email or phone and expect a response within 24-48 hours of initial contact, Monday thru Friday. Students can also arrange a time for a live phone conference, online chat with the teacher, or face-to-face tutoring.

Test Drive a Course

One way to “test drive” online learning is to take one course with bat365, as a part-time student. This can be done during the traditional school year or during summer school.

Pick an Option that Works for You

bat365 offers K-12 courses. Whether you chose Part-time or Full-time enrollment, there are multiple pathways to becoming an bat365 student.
  • Full-Time High School: Learn more about our fully online high school program and submit an Interest Ticket
  • Full-Time Middle School: Learn more about our hybrid middle school and submit an Interest Ticket
  • Part-Time Enrollment for CCSD Students: See your home school counselor to request a class.
  • Part-Time Enrollment for non-CCSD Students: Complete on-line registration to take bat365 courses.
  • Credit-By-Exam for High School: Demonstrate mastery of course material through Credit-By-Exam (CBE) offerings.

Complete the Orientation

bat365 orientation provides a guided introduction to the skills needed to use the learning management system and reviews policies and procedures for the Academy, including attendance. The orientation provides a foundational understanding of the online classroom, rules, and responsibilities.

Go to Class Every Day

bat365 uses several learning management systems but we have single sign-on access. You can access all of your courses through Canvas. Keep your login and password readily available. Review the course syllabus and schedule posted in the online classroom.
  • Make sure you understand the expectations
  • Know how to contact your instructor

Participate in the Class and Ask Questions

Our instructors are highly qualified in their subject areas, capable and dedicated to lead students through the online learning adventure. Communicate with your course instructor each week. Know what assignments are due and turn them in.

If you have questions… just ask!
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